FAQ: Datafeed/1 Time User Upload
How does a datafeed handle accented characters?
A datafeed can process and import characters with accents such as umlauts (ü), circumflexes (ô), etc. Howev...
Datafeed FAQs Index
For general info on Datafeeds, see What Is A Datafeed? Do I Need to Manually Create Values for a Datafeed...
Datafeed Overview
See the Datafeed FAQs for more info. Table of Contents What is a Datafeed? Non-Technical Overview Deta...
What Is A 1-Time User Upload?
A 1-Time User Upload is a process whereby we can take a .csv file with a list of the users you need in your...
FAQ: How do I upload a special file to my Datafeed, or for a 1-Time User Upload?
We generally cannot manually upload files for you on an ongoing -even temporary- basis. What we can do is p...
How to Populate Multiple Values in a Profile Field via a Datafeed
If you have a Type: Select (Multiple) profile field which contains more than one value, this can be managed...
FAQ: Can I use Email as the Match-On Field for my Datafeed?
While you can use email as the match-on field for your datafeed, we generally recommend against it. Here's ...
FAQ: Do I Need to Manually Create Values for a Datafeed?
In general: No. When a datafeed runs, the profile field values for each user are read from the datafeed fil...
FAQ: How Are Duplicate Match-On Values Handled in a Datafeed?
The system determines which user to update based on the match-on value (usually Employee ID, so we'll assum...
FAQ: How Does Duplicate Username Generation Work In a Datafeed?
This is easiest to explain with a quick example. If in your datafeed users are created with usernames based...
FAQ: When are Users Deactivated or Deleted by a Datafeed?
When a user is managed by a datafeed (when configured to allow deleting, which is the default), and the use...
FAQ: Why can't I set a user to Managed-By my Datafeed?
If you do not have any active datafeeds, the Managed By option will not appear at all. The list of options ...
FAQ: I receive an error when trying to manually upload a Datafeed file via WinSCP
If you are using WinSCP to do manual uploads of files to an sFTP server for a datafeed, you may encounter t...