FAQ: Enrollment
Enrollment FAQ Index
For general info on Enrollments, see the Enrollment Overview. What is the Start Date for Re-enrolled Users...
FAQ: What Happens when I Change the Audience of an Enrollment?
If you change the audience for an Enrollment set, you effectively reset the Enrollment—meaning that any use...
FAQ: Effects of Reset Existing Module Completions On Initial Enrollment = Yes
If a user enters an enrollment where the Reset Existing Module Completions On Initial Enrollment is set to ...
FAQ: What Happens if I add a Module to an Active Enrollment?
If an Enrollment set is active and you add a new module to the set, the new module starts counting down fro...
FAQ: Does the Countdown for an Enrollment Apply to Users who have Never Logged In?
Whether or not a user has logged in once isn’t relevant to the Enrollment countdown—if they’re an active us...
FAQ: Reactivated Enrollment May Lead to Past-Due Users
There’s no reset for Enrollment overall. Once you activate the Enrollment set for the first time, the clock...
FAQ: What is the Start Date for Re-enrolled Users?
If a user initially matches the rules for an active Enrollment and then their status changes to a point whe...