User Groups

by Wisetail Technical Support

You have a bunch of learners. They all have different titles, locations, hire dates, and enrollment needs. How do you manage so many people, all while making sure they get the content they need? Short answer: User Groups! Long answer: Keep reading.

User Groups can help you sort learners into defined buckets. If you have a set of learners that don’t have anything in common, create a User Group. What this can do for you is limit time spent adding one user to one piece of content at a time. If you want to grab multiple locations or multiple job titles then you’ll save time by creating a User Group. 

Creating a User Group is a piece of cake. You’ll use our rules engine to select who you want in a User Group, whether picking users individually or using profile fields to add them wholesale. Once the group is set up you can use it to permission content en masse.


What, wait?

This can be a little confusing. Think of User Groups like this: you have 20 (or 200) people. Those 20 people have nothing in common except they need to all take a particular module. They don’t share a location, hire date, job title, or anything else. Do you want to add each person to a single module, one at a time? Probably not. Create a User Group with 20 people. This way, you can set permissions for that particular User Group, and not have to waste time adding each person, each time, to each piece of content they need. 

User Groups are also a great way to add a group of learners and their manager or supervisor to the same piece of content. A lot of clients will create a User Group with one manager and their hourly employees in it. What this does, it allows the manager to see all the training content that their team sees.

You can also get a little crazy and use multiple profile fields to create a group. This is handy if you have users who all need specific content but who work in multiple locations or have different job titles. Again, this eliminates the need to assign a piece of training content to each person individually.

User Group Unique Behavior

During rules processing, a User Group only contains active user accounts within it's membership. This means that when a User Group is used in a filter, only Active users are considered members of the group. When a User Group is used in a report filter, for example, only Active users will be included in the report. Report toggling to see Inactive users will not display Inactive users because Inactive Users are never considered included within a User Group object. In such a situation, if Inactive users need to be viewed in the report, it is recommended to define the report filter based on the profile field definitions used to define the User Group instead of referencing the group directly.

Resetting the User Group membership

If the user group has many rules listed to define the user group, other than deleting individual rules, all rules can be cleared at once by using the Reset Users dropdown button. This will set the audience for the group back to the entire system.

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User Groups create a convenient way to connect groups of people with the content they need.

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