Product Reference
Detailed information on how the product and its many features function.
The Wisetail Drive CMS
Paid Feature
The Modules Tab
Modules, Tags, & Enrollments
The Content Tab
Events, Checklists, Tests, Flashcards, Question Banks, Homework, & eLearning Media
The Users Tab
Users, Profile Fields, User Groups, Classes, Roles, Access Codes, & Bulk User Actions (Bulk Admin Actions Tool)
The Communications Tab
Dialogs, Welcome Email, & Community Broadcasts
The Merits Tab
Certifications & Badges
The OnTrack Tab
Checklists, & Schedules [Note: OnTrack is a Paid Add-On Feature.]
The System Tab
Settings, Pages, @Work, Brand, Terms, Bulk Admin Actions Tool, Multi Language Admins, FTP, & API
The Reports Tab
Reports, & Saved Reports
General Functionality
All the bits & pieces that don't fit neatly into another section.
All about email, it's configuration, potential issues you may encounter, etc.
Drill down into the Product Reference
Detailed information on how the product and its many features function.