Classes Overview

by C.W. Holeman III


Classes are a seldom-used feature on the platform. You may be better served using User Groups. This feature can be quite powerful, but also has strict usage requirements.

Classes, at the core, are a way to separate groups of users from seeing one another within the LMS. This can be great for a multi-concept businesses that wants users from each concept to use the same LMS, butnot to be able to see or interact with users from another concept in any way.

An important note: users in separate classes will see the same site design. The overall branding (colors, fonts, logos) is the same for every class, as are most widgets. Content and any other site elements influenced by the rules engine can be restricted by class.

If you have created one or more classes, any users not in a class are treated like they are in a sort of "unclassed" class all together, hiding all content from all users in any classes.

If a user is in a class, this does not show up anywhere on their profile. All you will see is their inclusion in the User Group that is part of the class definition.

How to set up Classes

Classes are quite simple to set up.

  1. They are defined by User Groups, so you need to begin by crafting a User Group to capture all participants for the calss in the Admin Tool --> Users --> User Groups.
  2. To create the class itself, from the Admin Tool --> Users --> Classes click on Create Class.
  3. Give the class a title, and select all of the user groups you wish to be a part of the class.

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