Linked Profile Fields on Registration Pages

by C.W. Holeman III


The Registration page setup now allows the ability to associate Linked Profile Fields to a registration page, validate the Linked Profile Field entry and display the appropriate Select Profile Fields as a result. The aim with the Linked Profile Field on the Registration Page is two-fold:

  1. Provide a security layer for organizational team members by allowing them to manually enter a Linked Profile Field and proceed to validate this Linked Profile Field in order to view sub-selections that can be made post-validation (i.e. Select Profile Fields associated to the Linked Profile Field).
  2. Provide a filtered down list view of selections that can be made by the user.

The Linked Profile Field on Registration Pages fetch the associated Title of the Select Profile Field and then display the Code value associated to the Title of that same Select Profile Field. An example of a Linked Profile Field would be an employee PIN that matches to a Select Profile Field of Location Number and results in displaying the associated Location Name to that Location Number. For example:

Linked Profile Field: EmpPIN: 11259.

Associated Select Profile Field

Matches to Title Displays the Code
2134 Toronto Mowat Ave.
1598 Wallace Ave. / E. Main St.
0361 Dallas Airport

Linked Profile Field on Registration Page Admin Configuration

Please contact your CX Rep for details of how a Linked Profile field can be setup for your registration page. Do note that there are a few limitations that need to be considered as part of the setup of Linked Profile Fields availability on the registration page:

  1. Only one Linked Profile Field item can be added to a Registration page.
  2. It is expected that the admin already has pre-configured Linked and Select Profile Fields appropriately in the User Profile Fields.
  3. The Registration Page will NOT manage Linked and Select Profile Field associations and will instead simply display the Code value associated to a Select Profile Field Title.
  4. Adding a Linked Profile Field item to the registration page will automatically include the addition of a “Validate” button on the end user UI.
  5. The Linked Profile Field on the Registration Page can be set to be a mandatory field. This will ensure that the end Learner user must enter data into the Linked Profile Field entry on the registration page before they can continue to submit for Registration.

Linked Profile Field on Registration Page End User UI

Once the Linked Profile Field has been configured by the Wisetail admin, any associated Code values for the Select Profile Fields will automatically be displayed to the end Learner user once the Linked Profile Field is validated on the registration page.

Note: A Select Profile Field contains a “Title” and a “Code” value. The “Code” value is the one that will be displayed to the end Learner user once the Linked Profile Field has been validated on the registration page Should the validation of the user entered Linked Profile Field fail, the Select Profile Field value will not appear and the user will see the corresponding error message. Should the learner user attempt to complete the registration on the registration page and not enter a validated entry for the mandatory Linked Profile Field, the end user will see the corresponding error message displayed.