Role: Multi Language Manager

by C.W. Holeman III

The Multi Language Manager Role is part of the Multi Language Tool. Organizations can now delegate the task of translating content to designated individuals. Multi Language Managers have the ability to download translatable files and upload them back into the system. 

This makes the task of translating content easier by giving language experts the ability to support translations. By delegating translations work to users in their system, an organization can take advantage of their internal language capabilities to help create content that’s more inclusive and available to all of their learners. 

Role Assignment

Listed in the Multi-Language Admin Languages panel is a list of all active languages in your LMS as well as a count of the number of role admins assigned to a language. Super Admins assign users to a language by clicking the “Edit” button next to a language. 

When the Super Admin clicks “Edit”, the user is taken to the rules engine where they can assign the selected language to an individual, or a group of users based on a profile field.

Once users have been assigned, the count of Admins for a particular language will appear on the main role page.

Clicking on the number count will display a modal with a list of all Admins for that language.

Role Function

Users with this role will be able access the Admin tool and see the System tab. Under the System tab, they will find a “Multi Language Admin” pill. Housed under the “Multi Language Admin” pill are the two abilities the role admin can execute in their assigned language(s): Download Translatable Files, and Import Translated Files. 

Translating Content

NOTE: it is vital that at no point in the process is the name of a downloaded file changed in any way. The name is used in the upload process, and if it has been changed, it will not be able to be uploaded.

Export Translated File

  1. When the Role admin selects “Download Translatable Files”, they will be taken to the workflow wizard which will guide them through the process of downloading a PO file for a particular piece of content.
  2. First, the user will need to select the language(s) they would like their PO file download to be translated into. If the Admin has only one assigned language, that will be the only language that appears. If the user has more than one assigned language, the wizard will list all assigned languages. Users can select multiple languages to download files for, and each language will have their own separate file.
  3. Next, the user will select which type of content for which they are looking to download a file.
  4. When a content type is selected, a modal with all the particular pieces of that content type will pop up for the role admin.
  5. The user can select an individual piece of content.
  6. In the final step of the wizard, the user will be provided with a summary of their selections and can confirm the details prior to downloading the PO file.
  7. Once the user is satisfied with their selection, they can click “Confirm Download” and the PO file for their selected piece of content is downloaded.

    NOTE: it is vital that at no point in the process is the name of the file changed in any way. The name is used in the upload process, and if it has been changed, it will not be able to be uploaded.
  8. With the PO file, users are able to input translations themselves, or send it off to a vendor for translations.

Import Translated File

  1. Once translated, the user can upload the file back into the LMS by navigating to the Admin Tool -> System -> Multi Language Admin -> Import Translated File. Selecting this action brings up the system’s file uploader.
  2. Users are able to use the uploader to upload their translated content file. Multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously.
  3. Once the upload is successful, the user will receive a confirmation modal.
  4. The system will be able to identify which particular piece of content the translated file(s) apply to, as well as display the correct piece of content for a learner based on their preferred language.