System Roles Compendium

by Wisetail Technical Support

System Roles are pre-built Roles. See here to see the Roles Overview. You can assign a System Role any user, and each comes with its own set of capabilities. These roles can be designated within each correlated function—e.g., dialogs, pages, modules, etc. In the meantime, these are the seven System Roles on the platform and their predefined abilities:

Super Admin

Super admins have full and complete access to all areas of the admin tool within the LMS, with no restrictions on their abilities. Whoever has this role can view all content, without restriction. Think about it as giving them keys to the house.

Multi Language Manager

Make the task of translating content easier by giving language experts the ability to support translations. By delegating translations work to users in their system, an organization can take advantage of their internal language capabilities to help create content that’s more inclusive and available to all of their learners. Click here to learn about this role in depth.

Dialog Publisher

Dialog publishers essentially manage a dialog board once it’s created by an admin. The various abilities of a dialog publisher include the following:

  • Create dialog post
  • Edit dialog post
  • Delete dialog post
  • Approve dialog post
  • Delete dialog comment
  • Set dialog post as an announcement
  • Broadcast dialog post to a defined audience

Page Administrator

A user with the ability to manage content appearing in widgets on a specific page. For example, a page admin would have the ability to change the images in a photos widget on their assigned page.

Module Advocate

Signifies a subject matter expert on a given piece of content. Module advocates will also have the following abilities:

  • Notifications for comments on module
  • Notifications for completion of a module
  • Ability to delete comments from a module.

The module advocate notifications are based on the audience of the module and not the audience of any administrative role the advocate may or may not have assigned to their account. A module advocate will receive notifications based on the Module Advocate role for any users with access to the advocated module.

Event Instructor

A user who has the ability to manage an event’s roster. This includes adding/removing users to the roster or waitlist, marking user attendance, and sending messages to event attendees. Instructors also can print the event roster or export it as a .CSV file. 

Checklist Observer

A user who is designated as the ‘in-person’ observer for an observation checklist. Checklist observers have the following abilities for user’s defined in their checklist audience:

  • View users in the observation queue
  • Receive an email notification whenever a user in their audience is added to the queue
  • Record an observation on a user 
  • View the observation checklist results report

If you have purchased the OnTrack tool:

OnTrack Manager

The OnTrack Manager role allows Managers –shift leaders, general managers, area managers, and franchisees--to oversee, delegate, and even complete any checklist or action within their managed units, irrespective of checklist permissions.

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Wisetail platform admins create rules-based Manager Groups and bestow them with scope in the form of Unit Groups. The Unit Groups may be composed of either static multi-selections and/or based on the OnTrack Manager's profile values.

OnTrack Managers will then have access to their managed units in OnTrack, regardless of whether or not the unit is associated with their user profile. And within their managed units, managers will be able to oversee, delegate, and contribute in the fulfillment of all checklists regardless of checklist permissions. Managers and other team members, however, will not be able to user tag a manager that would otherwise not be permissible based on checklist permissions.

Additionally, OnTrack managers will gain access to Wisetail's admin tool and the reporting tab where they will be able to run OnTrack reports, the results and filtering for which will be limited to the units that they manage.


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