See Also: Admin Dashboard Widgets Compendium.
The Module Completion widget takes the existing module completion data out of the System Overview widget and makes it its own widget! Admins can see module completion data, over time for their audience and can even segment by profile fields.
Time Frames
Three time frame options are available to choose from for quick information: Week, Month and Year.
Selecting any one of these options will show the admin the aggregate data for the current time frame (ie. the past week, the past month, the past year), as well as an icon indicating the trend when compared to the previous same time frame.
Time Frame | Data that is being compared |
Week | The totals from the last 7 days (including current day) compared to the previous 7 days |
Month | The totals from the last 30 days (including current day) compared to the previous 30 days |
Year | The totals from the last 365 days (including current day) compared to previous 365 days |
Trend Indicators
Trend indicators next to the Completed Modules count let the user quickly understand how the numbers in the current time frame compare to the previous same time frame.
The table below outlines what each icon represents.
Trend Icon | What it means |
Up |
Totals for current period is greater than previous period |
Down |
Totals for current period is less than previous period |
No Change |
Totals for current period is unchanged from previous period |
Static Date Selector
If the Admin user is interested in knowing data for a specific period, they can use the calendar icon to select a date range. Counts for the specified date range will appear but a trend line will not appear next to the numbers displayed.
Drilldown in Year View
When an Admin is viewing the Year time frame, data is aggregated by month but the Admin is able to click on either the month listed along the x-axis or the counts shown on the chart to drill down to the details for that month, separated by days.
Go back to the full view by clicking on the Completions button.
Drilling down into the chart won’t change the top level numbers. Those will continue to reflect the time period selected. Instead, drilling down will simply drill into the view of the chart and the user will be able to get a closer look at the numbers associated with each day for the time period.
Selecting Modules
With the Select Module button you can pick specific 1 or multiple modules for the widget.
Average Completion Time
Avg. Completion Time displays the average time it took for users to complete the modules selected for the widget. “Completion Time” is the difference between when a user first views the module and when they fully complete the module.
Completions that are shorter than 1 minute will be recorded as 0 but the user will be included in the calculation of the average.