Enrollment Widget

by C.W. Holeman III

Available in both the User and Enrollment tabs of the Enrollment Status Widget, the Details view supports the ability to drill down into the data and provide the Admin with detailed information about their users enrollment status.

Access To Widget
With this enhancement, accessing the widget has been expanded to more users. Users with any of the below role abilities will be able to add the widget to their dashboard.

  • Users with a role with Manage Enrollments enabled.

  • Users with a role with access to any of the following reports:

    • Enrollment Status

    • Enrollment Set

    • Enrollment Change

Users View

Under the Users view, Admins are presented with data about enrollment status for users in their audience, from the perspective of users themselves.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.01.17 PM.png

For each user in an Admin’s audience, they will be counted under one of three possible statuses: Completed All Module(s), Have Pending Module(s), and Have Overdue Module(s).

Status Definitions

The below table outlines how each status is defined in the User View.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.04.26 PM.png

When an Admin clicks the Details view, the widget transitions to a list view, where each user in the Admin’s audience is shown individually.

For each user, their enrollment completion is illustrated via a bar chart and is broken down into the three statuses: Completed All Module(s), Have Pending Module(s), Have Overdue Module(s).

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.05.29 PM.png

Admins are able to click into an individual user and be taken into an even more detailed view, where the user’s completion status for each Enrollment they are currently enrolled in is displayed.

To navigate back to the list of their users, Admins click on the back arrow link.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.06.50 PM.png

Under the Users view, Admins get an overview of enrollment status counts and percentages by audience. That is, enrollment status is user-centric and the numbers displayed reflect the number of users in your audience with each status. The numbers shown on the graph reflect counts of users, and the graph breaks it down by percentages. Below is an example of how to interpret the widget.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.21.13 PM.png

The table below provides an example of how data would be displayed for an Admin with an Audience of 5 enrolled users, outlining how each user would be counted in each complete status:

Enrolled User


Status the User is Counted Under/Total Number in Audience
Completed Pending Overdue
#1 Completed ALL Content for ALL Enrollments Completed 1/5 - -
#2 Complete on SOME Content but not ALL. No Overdue Content Pending - 1/5 -
#3 Some Content complete, has even ONE single module Overdue Overdue - - 1/5
#4 Freshly enrolled, no Completed Content, no Overdue Content Pending - 1/5 -
#5 No complete Content, ALL Overdue Overdue - - 1/5

Counts Displayed Above Graph ➞
1 2 2

Percentages Displayed in Graph ➞
20% 40% 40%

Admins are able to drill down to a particular user or set of users to get a more granular view of status. By clicking the Select Users button, a modal with all users for that Admin’s audience will appear. Admins can select more than one user at a time.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.28.54 PM.png

Once the user select has been made, the data displayed in the widget will reflect the status for the selected set of users. A count of the number of users that were selected is displayed, and if the Admin would like to clear the selection, they can click the red “X”.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.33.38 PM.png

Enrollments View

In this view, the widget displays aggregated data about the completion status for modules within all Active and Open enrollments for the Admin’s audience.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.36.35 PM.png

For Active and Open enrollments that the Admin’s audience is enrolled in, Module status can be defined as one of three possible options: Completed Module(s), Pending Module(s), and Overdue Module(s).

Status Definitions

The below table outlines how each status is defined in the Enrollments View.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.37.53 PM.png

The counts and percentages reflect the number of complete, pending and overdue modules within Active and Open enrollments for your audience.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.38.35 PM.png

Admins are able to drill down to a particular enrollment or set of enrollments to get a more granular view of status per enrollment. By clicking the Select Enrollment button, a modal with active and open enrollments will appear.

Within the modal, filters are available on the right panel to facilitate finding the correct enrollment. Enrollment are the Standard type unless it has the “Recurring” label applied.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.40.21 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.41.09 PM.png

Admins are able to select multiple enrollments, and click the Save button to confirm the selection.

Once the Admin has selected their desired enrollment(s), the data displayed in the widget will reflect the module status for the chosen enrollment(s). A count of the number of enrollments that were selected is displayed, and if the Admin would like to clear the selection, they can click the red “X”.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 3.43.40 PM.png

Enrollment Status Widget: Secondary Sort Order

A secondary sort order for the Enrollment Widget - Details View has been defined. This will provide better clarity around expected sort behavior in the widget. Secondary sort orders are outlined in the below table.


Primary Field Selected Secondary Fields Order
Completed Pending → Overdue → Names/Title
Pending Completed → Overdue → Names/Title
Overdue Completed → Pending → Names/Title
Name/Title Completed → Pending → Overdue