The System Tab
Settings, Pages, @Work, Brand, Terms, Bulk Admin Actions Tool, Multi Language Admins, FTP, & API
Introduction @Work is a method to ensure that (generally non-salaried) users are only accessing training co...
Bulk Admin Actions Tool
Be Careful! These actions can make major changes to your LMS that cannot be undone. Site administrators do...
Categories Widget (Tags)
See also: Page Widgets Compendium This widget displays a list of Tags, chosen by the admin, to help users ...
Custom Pages
See: Pages Overview As a super admin, you have the ability to create custom Pages. Custom Pages are one of...
Dynamic Custom Pages
See: Pages Overview What is a Dynamic Page? A Dynamic Page is a set of Pages that will be created and po...
Module Permissions Updates
Admin Tool → System → Bulk Admin Actions The bulk admin actions tool allows you to edit the permissions of ...
Page Widgets Compendium
For details on how to utilize Page Widgets, please see this article. * Indicates that the Widget type can...
Pages Overview
Introduction There are five System Pages which are available at everywhere you go on your site: Home, Lear...
Settings and Terms
The Settings pill is found under the system tab. A number of Settings can be adjusted here that will be ref...
Site Branding
This guide walks you through all the different sections contained within the Brand pill. The Brand section ...
System Pages
See: Pages Overview There are five "System Pages" which are available at everywhere you go on your site: ...
The QR Code Widget
Among the list of Widgets Wisetail provides for your site, we’ve included a QR Widget. The QR Code Widge...
Widgets are tools that help you design pages in your site. Would you like to introduce some imagery through...