The Content Tab
Events, Checklists, Tests, Flashcards, Question Banks, Homework, & eLearning Media
Admin not seeing Homework from tab.
You created a Role to approve Homework but the Role admin(s) are not able go see the Homework from the Ho...
eLearning Content (SCORM, et al.)
The Wisetail LMS supports several types of files that are authored and created outside of the Wisetail LMS:...
Wisetail offers a few media types that facilitate blended learning. Blended learning is a combination of eL...
Intrigued, but not yet convinced, about how you can best use Flashcards? Flashcards are a great way for lea...
Admin Tool → Content → Homework Homework is a media type that can be used anytime you need to receive t...
Logo Management
Admin Tool → Systems → Brand → Logo Updating and managing your LMS logo is quick & easy. Align logos to m...
See: Search, Permissions, & Media. The Media Pill displays the title, the date added, and the approval sta...
Observation Checklists
Note: Observation Checklists are entirely distinct from Daily Checklists. Observation Checklists allow an ...
Question Banks
How to Use Question Banks We all know how valuable evaluations can be to measure learning. However, sometim...
Subtitles (Closed Caption) Support for Videos
With subtitle support, Admins can upload subtitle files to video media and Learners will have the option to...
Testing is an integral part of your LMS strategy. Testing evaluates a learner’s knowledge baseline, determi...