Event Summary and Event Details Reports
In order to provide further value and the ability to gain overall insight into Events and their respective Event Sessions, two reports have been created for the admin user to leverage
- Event Summary Report
- Event Details Report
Event Summary Report
The Event Summary Report will allow the super admin user a few configuration options:
- The admin user can choose a maximum of 10 events that they wish to generate the report for.
- The report will allow the option to Manage Columns. Any added columns will be inserted at the end of the table.
- Both the preview and the export will contain the following columns. Items in green text will be displayed by default and cannot be removed since they will be part of the “Columns Included”.
- Module Title - Title of the module.
- Event Title - Title of the event.
- Description - Description of the event.
- State - The state of the current Event. Either “Scheduled” or “Canceled”.
- Created by - Appended first and last name of the user who created the event.
- Sessions - Display a count of all the event sessions for the specific event.
- Attending - Display a count of all the users attending the event sessions associated to the
- event.
- Waitlisted - Display a count of all the users waitlisted for the event sessions associated to the
- event.
- Created At - Date/time when the event was created displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- Updated At - Date/time when the event was last updated displayed in YYYY-MM-DD
- hh:mm:ss TMZ
- Updated By - Appended first and last name of the user that updated the event
If there are multiple modules associated to an event, the Event Summary Report will display row entries corresponding to the number of modules that are associated to that event.
Furthermore, changing the date range for the Event Summary Report will not display more row entries in the table. Instead, changing the date range will simply update the numerical values displayed in the Sessions, Attending and Waitlisted columns to reflect the number of users based on the date range selected.
Figure 36 – Event Summary Report – UI Preview
Figure 37 – Event Summary Report – CSV Export
The Event Details Report will further expand upon the Event Summary Report and display actual Events and their associated sessions. Here are the configuration options:
- The report will have a multi-select checkbox selection that will have the following selections: Include Cancelled Sessions - Will display all the sessions that have been cancelled as well as all other sessions (Active and Past). This checkbox will NOT be selected by default.
- The ability to choose a maximum of 10 events that they wish to generate the report for.
- The report will allow the option to Manage Columns and permit the user to select any of the profile fields to be attached to a report. Any added columns will be inserted at the end of the table.
- Both the preview and the export will contain the following columns. Items in green text will be displayed by default and cannot be removed since they will be part of the “Included Columns”:
- Event Title - Title of the event (default sorted alpha-numeric ascending).
- Event Description - Description of the event.
- Event State - The state of the current Event. Either “Scheduled” or “Canceled”.
- Event Created By - Appended first and last name of the user.
- Session Title - Title of the event session.
- Session Description - Description of the event session.
- Session State - The state of the current Event session will be either Canceled Session, Past
- Session or Active Session. Past and Active will both work with a value of “1” but will be dependent on the current date to indicate when the session state is in the past or is active.
- Locked Session - A Yes if the event session wait list is locked. A No if the event session is
- unlocked.
- Session Capacity - A whole number to indicate the count of team members that can attend the event.
- Session Start Date - Date/time when the event session is to start displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.
- Session End Date - Date/time when the event session is to end displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.
- Session Location – Address for the location of the session.
- Session Created By - Appended first and last name of the user who created the session.
- Username - Displays the username of a user that is attached to the session.
- First Name – Displays the first name of the user that is attached to the session.
- Last Name – Displays the last name of the user that is attached to the session.
- Attended - A Yes if the user attended the event session. A No if the user did not attend the event session
- Waitlisted - A Yes if the user is waitlisted for the event session. A No if the user is not waitlisted for the event session
- Event Created At - Date/time when the event was created displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ..
- Event Updated At - Date/time when the event was last updated displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.
- Event Updated By - Appended first and last name of the user that updated the event.
- Session Created At - Date/time when the session was created displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.
- Session Updated At - Date/time when the session was last updated displayed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.
- Session Updated By - Appended first and last name of the user that updated the event session.
If there are multiple event sessions associated to an event AND multiple users associated to an event session, the Event Details Report will display individual row entries corresponding to each unique combination of Event + Event Session + Event Session Attendee.
Figure 38 – Event Details Report – UI Preview
Figure 39 – Event Details Report – CSV Export