The 2nd feature release in October was pushed back a week to allow us to deliver a few extra goodies. Hold on to your hats, there's a lot in this one!
Wisetail Managed Email
Wisetail is improving our mail platform to be more efficient and improve the reliability of our notifications system by rolling out Wisetail Managed Email. Now we will handle all of the mess of DKIM, DMARC, & SPF records for you. Just ask!
Ontrack User Tagging
OnTrack now support individual user tagging, making it more clear than ever who on the team
assumes ownership over checklists and actions.
Multi Language Tool Improvements
Multi Language in Media Media
Wisetail continues to expand our Multi Language tool with new features! The LMS now supports multiple language variations of media items and will do the work of surfacing the correct piece of media to users based on their preferred language.
More localized content means your learners are getting content that best supports their learning needs. Knowledge and information is distributed to your learners in a format that they are most comfortable with. This makes learning more inclusive and provides the opportunity for learning and growth available to more users. Additionally, supporting multi language versions of media means Admins no longer need to permission different pieces of media within a module for the purposes of Language differentiation.
Click hereto learn more about this feature.
Multi Language Text Blocks
The new Multi Language Tool: Text Block Editor means that during the module creation process, Admins no longer need to permission individual blocks of text to specific languages. Instead, Admins can utilize the multi language tool with text blocks and the system takes care of providing the right language to the right people.
Multi Language Manager Role
With the new Multi Language Manager role, organizations can delegate the task of generating translated material to individuals in their system. Users with this role are able to download and upload the PO files for tests, checklist, question banks and flashcards.
Click here to learn more about this feature.
Bulk Translation Support
For text heavy content like tests, flashcards, question banks and checklists (but not modules), Admins won’t need to input translated text line-by-line through the Admin Tool UI. Instead, using the new Bulk Translation Support feature, Admins can download and upload one PO file and the system will take care of delivering the correct content to users based on their preferred language.
Click here to learn more about this feature.
And More!
On top of all of those new features, we are releasing many bug fixes, minor enhancements, and laying the groundwork for further enhancements in the following areas of the product:
- Notifications
- Modules
- The upcoming API
- The Multi Language Tool
- Reports & Scheduled Reports
- Dialog Boards
- Roles
- OnTrack
- Media management
- Enrollments