Feature Release 11 July 2022

by C.W. Holeman III

Reports: Date Filter Details

In response to client feedback, we’ve added information that will provide clarity around date filters. Since each report provides different information it was imperative for us to provide more clarity around date filters and what data was being presented in the report UI.

For applicable reports, information has been added to the report UI that clearly indicates which data the date filter in every report filters by. This will help to clarify the information displayed on a number of system reports. 


Technical Limitation
Post release, the enhancement we’ve made to fixed-recurring enrollments will deliver a consistent user experience across all types of enrollment. It should be noted that this change will not apply retroactively to past closed and currently active occurrence of a fixed-recurring enrollment. Only the next occurrence of a fixed-recurring enrollment (i.e. the completion period has elapsed and a new enrollment occurrence opens) will reflect the changes that have been outlined in this document. Additionally, data that was generated with the current functionality will remain as-is and reports that utilize this data will be unaffected.

Enhancements to Fixed-Recurring Enrollments

An enhancement has been made to Fixed-Recurring Enrollments. The learner experience for Fixed-Recurring Enrollments now mimics the behavior of the other types of Enrollments. By creating consistency between all enrollments, we have made it easier for Admins to keep track of their learners' progress through the LMS.  

The process to create a Fixed-Recurring Enrollment remains unchanged. With this enhancement, users that are enrolled in a Fixed-Recurring Enrollment will continue to see that there is required content for them to complete, even after the Enrollment Length has passed. 

Once the Enrollment Length has passed but the Enrollment Frequency is still valid, the learner will see a red overlay on required modules that will read “Past Due” until the learner either completes the content or the Enrollment Frequency ends, whichever occurs first.At the end of an Enrollment Frequency period, a new instance of the enrollment will open and content will once again be marked “Required” for learners for the duration of the Enrollment Length.


Previous Behavior

New Behavior

Fixed-Recurring Enrollment Activated

- User is Enrolled

- User sees Required and Due Date overlay on Module(s)0.jpg





Enrollment Length Elapses

- No visual indicator on Module(s) though user may still access the Module(s) 



- User remains enrolled

- User sees Past Due and previous Due Date overlay on Module(s)2.jpg

Enrollment Frequency Elapses

- User is unenrolled from current enrollment 

- User is enrolled in next instance of the enrollment

- User sees “Required” and “Due Date” overlay on Module(s)




In addition to the above headline items, we also made dozens of minor updates, tweaks, and bug-fixes in nearly every major area of the product.


Feature Release Index


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