Our second November release has a whole lot packed into it.
If you'd like to download the complete (37 page) PDF, it is available for download.
- Check out the Report Enhancements deep dive.
- Read all about the Search Enhancements in a deep dive.
- See the details of the Daily Checklists Tool Enhancements via a deep dive.
- Module Time Credits For Modules.
- Enrollment & Homework subscriptions and changes email notifications.
- @Work content setting feature consolidation.
- Leaner tool global media search enhancements.
- Observation checklist widget enhancements.
- Terms and Conditions access from registration page.
- Module Time Credits
New Notifications Settings
Enrollment Notifications
The notification emails for enrollments have been improved by now further allowing the super admin to allow notification emails to be sent for two additional scenarios:
- When a learner user is initially subscribed to an enrollment
- When there are any changes made to an active enrollment
The notification emails will be sent to the audience of the enrollment only.
These additional settings can be found by the Super Admin under:
Admin Tool > System Settings > All Notifications
Below is a list of actions that will trigger the sending of the emails for each setting:
- At the time they are entered into an active enrollment will be triggered when:
- A new enrollment is activated
- A new user is added to an active enrollment
- A new audience is added to an active enrollment
- When an active enrollment changes will be triggered when:
- A due date changes
- Module(s) is/are added to an enrollment
- Module(s) is/are removed from an enrollment
Figure 10 – Admin Tool - Enrollment Notifications Settings
Test Attempts & Homework Notifications
Under Admin Tool > Users > Roles > [access any admin role];
- If there is a Role Audience as well as a Role Administrator defined,
- If any of the Role Audience users complete and fail their test but also run out of test attempts OR
- If any of the homework submissions from the learner users are completed, they will leverage this role configuration where now ONLY the Role Administrators for that Role Audience will be notified of test attempts that need to be added and/or homework submissions that have been completed. Unnecessary notices will no longer be sent to the Super Admins for their action.
Note: With this change, it is necessary to note, that there needs to be both a Role Audience as well a Role Administrator set. Otherwise, a Role Audience with no Role Administrator will never notify anyone if there is no associated Role Administrators set as well.
@Work Setting Consolidation
The setting to enable/disable the Filter @Work option has been moved to Admin Tool > System > @Work. Furthermore, the following workflows have been developed to simplify the accessibility of the Filter @Work option;
When the filter @Work setting is disabled, the Super Admin cannot add/edit/remove any new or existing IP addresses.
Figure 12 – Filter @Work – Disabled @Work Filter Content
Should a partial admin navigate to Admin Tool > Modules > Modules > [choose a specific module], on the right hand side they should no longer see the At Work side panel since the filter @work content setting has been disabled.
Figure 13 – Partial Admin - Filter @Work side panel hidden
Should a super admin navigate to Admin Tool > Modules > Modules > [choose a specific module], on the right hand side they will see a variation of the At Work side panel informing them that the filter @work content setting has been disabled and providing options to proceed to the setting to enable it (if needed).
Figure 14 – Super Admin - Filter @Work side panel displayed
Upon selection of the Go To @Work Settings link in the At Work side panel, the super admin user will be redirected to the Admin Tool > Settings > @Work pill. From here the super admin user will see the same interface as they normally would when navigating to this location. The only addition will be a link at the top of the page providing the super admin user with a back button to return to the module that they had originally launched from. The link will indicate go back to module.
Figure 15 – Filter @Work – Navigating to @Work Filter Content Setting from Module Details
When the filter @Work setting is enabled, the Super Admins can add/edit/remove any new or existing IP addresses.
Figure 16 – Filter @Work – Enabled @Work Filter Content
Should a partial admin or super admin navigate to Admin Tool > Modules > Modules > [choose a specific module], on the right hand side they should see the At Work side panel since the filter @work content setting has been enabled.
Figure 17 – Partial/Super Admin - Filter @Work side panel displayed
A message will be displayed indicating No work IP addresses defined. Users will not have access to @Work content. If the following scenarios occur:
Filter @Work content setting is being enabled AND there are no work IP addressed defined.
Filter @Work content setting is enabled AND there is only one IP address defined that has been deleted.
The message No work IP addresses defined. Users will not have access to @Work content. will be hidden if the following scenarios occur:
Filter @Work content setting is being disabled when it was previously enabled and had no IP addressed defined.
Filter @Work content setting is enabled AND the first new IP address has been defined.
Figure 18 – Filter @Work – No Work IP addresses defined message.
Observation Checklist Widget Enhancements
When a user logs into the learner tool and proceeds to their Observation Checklist widget, they will note that the widget now no longer displays users that are currently in inactive state. This will now provide a more focused and targeted list of users for whom an observation checklist walkthrough needs to be executed.
Figure 19 – Observation Checklist Queue displaying only Active Users
Terms and Conditions access from registration page
Figure 23 – Registration Page Term and Privacy Links
Once one of the links have been selected, a modal within the current window, will launch and display your current Terms of Use and Privacy Statements
Figure 24 – Term and Privacy Statement Modal on Registration Page