Warning! Once enabled, this feature cannot be disabled!
The Audience Privacy Tool (AKA the Anti-Social Feature) disables all of the social features on the platform. By disabling social features, learners are no longer able to interact with one another in any way and no longer able to contribute content to the LMS. This feature is helpful for companies that sell access through reseller channels requiring certifications and compliance testing.
Throughout the Learner Tool, various areas of the LMS will no longer be available for learner interaction. The ability to contribute their own content, to like or comment on posts and other interactive components of the platform are disabled. Some features of the Admin Tool have also been disabled so that social features cannot be activated.
How does it work?
Controlled by a feature flag, once the Audience Privacy tool is enabled, particular social and interactive portions of both the Learner Tool and the Admin Tool will be disabled and no longer available. Additionally, certain APIs will be disabled and interactions between areas of the LMS will be disconnected. In the sections below, the changes made and the effects seen in areas of the platform are described in greater detail.
Learner Tool Changes
- When the tool is enabled, both the Share and Connect pages are no longer available for learners.
- All instances of commenting, likes, recognition messages, and links to user contributions have been removed.
Learn Page
Some features of the Learn page are disabled with the Audience Privacy Tool.
- User Contribution modules are not available for learners to see.
- The ability to sort by popularity is removed.
Within Modules, the following have been hidden or removed:
- Module comments hidden
- Module Wall of Fame hidden
- Module Info Panel - likes, comments, views and completions removed
Discuss Page
When the Audience Privacy Tool is enabled, the following areas of the Discuss page are affected:
- Only NOW@ and FAQ dialog boards are active
- Dialog Info Panel - views and completions are still visible to the dialog publishers only
- User interactions (comments, likes etc.) disabled
- Under the More Info section for a given Post, only Publishers should be able to see the “Views” and “Current Audience”
- Making a Post, hide option to “Allow Audience Comments”
- Under a Post, information about who created the Post is not visible “Posted [when]” portion of the post is visible:
User’s Profile
When viewing or editing a user’s own profile, the following items are no longer displayed:
- A breadcrumb-style links list that includes the “Connect” page.
- On the view page, the entire breadcrumb is removed.
- On the edit page, breadcrumb contains link back to view page.
- The “It’s You” tag.
- The count of your Contributions.
- The Badges you've earned:
- Search results will not include user data or user contributed content
Admin Tool Changes
When the Audience Privacy Tool is enabled, some functionality in the Admin tool will be disabled.
In Admin tool, under Content → Media:
- Admin will not see Pending Approval filter option
- Admin will only see “Delete” drop down option from media
- Admin will only see bulk delete button (when multiple media selected)
- Admin will not see Approved/Disapproved/Pending status badges in media list
In Content → Media → Media Details:
- Approve/Disapprove button and back link to approval status removed
- In the Info Panel, “Uploaded by” user info removed
When an Admin creates or edits a page, the following widgets will no longer be available:
- Badges
- Important Dates
- Meet the Community
- Admin will not see Pending Approval filter option
- Admin will only see “Delete” drop down option from media
- Admin will only see bulk delete button (when multiple media selected)
- Admin will not see Approved/Disapproved/Pending status badges in media list
- Approve/Disapprove button and back link to approval status removed
- In the Info Panel, “Uploaded by” user info removed
- Recent Comments
- Recent Posts
- Recognition Messages
- Top Performers
- Who’s Online
For the remaining widgets, some restrictions have been implemented to ensure learner information is not visible.
- Filtered Content: “User Contribution” is not available in the Content to Display dropdown list.
- News: Disable comments on existing articles / announcements and any new creates after Anti Social feature is enabled.
- Polls: Polls data is displayed as anonymous and any information about users or number of users is removed.
- Admin Tool - hide Poll Participants from widget admin details
Learner Tool - hide number of responses in the widget
The option to select “Show Responses” in the Homework settings is not available. Learners will not be able to see the responses of other Learners:
When the Audience Privacy Tool is activated, Badges will no longer be visible under a user’s Merit tab.
Under the Reports tool, the following reports will not be available when Audience Privacy Tool is enabled:
- Badge Award/Nomination Reports
- Likes report
- Module comments report
- Dialog comments report
- User media comments report
- Recognition message report
- User contributions media report
- Dialog Activity Report (fine turn the filters available)
- Cumulative Activity Report (fine turn module type filter)
- User transcript report (module type filter)
Links to these reports that can be found throughout the Learner and Admin tool have also been disabled.