@Work Via Geolocation
In addition to @Work filtering by IP Address, we now support @Work via Geolocation. Admins can set a geofence around a particular location to ensure learners are only able to access content you only want them to access from a work location.
See this article for more info.
OnTrack Updates
- Created a new OnTrack report: Checklist Submissions by Unit.
- Added the ability to duplicate Inactive Checklists (which can now be used as Checklist Templates).
- You now have the apply weighted scores to checklist questions and score a submitted
checklists. - Added the ability to edit a Checklist without activating it.
- Improved checklist sorting.
- The ability to see who answered each question or completed each task and at exactly what time & date they did so.
General Improvements
- Improved reporting efficiency.
- Improved Enrollments processing
- Implemented additional general tweaks and improvements.
- Improved the readability of Linked Field Names in the Admin Tool.
- And several dozen other minor improvements.