Admin Widgets
We have some fantastic updates to Admin Widgets. We’ve re-imagined the existing System Activity widget and split off the data into two separate widgets that aim to be more intuitive and easy to interpret. We’ve pulled out user interaction data into its own widget called the User Activity widget, which provides data around Logins, Recognition Messages and User Contributions. The Module Completion Widget now lets you see the status of modules that pertain to you.
Learn more about the Admin Dashboard here.
OnTrack - Linked & Unlinked Checklists
New admin setting gives admins more control over Corrective Action and Checklist Action inheritance behavior, creating broader applicability and better support for more use cases.
Learn more here.
Additional Changes
We also made minor changes and upgrades to:
- Datafeed
- Widgets
- Question Banks
- System Optimizations
- OnTrack Upgrades
- Reports
- Translations
- SFTP handling
- And more.