Scheduled Dialog Posts Page Filters
Need to find a specific scheduled dialog board post amongst a sea of them? New filters on the Scheduled Posts page will help users find what they’re looking for.
- Improved Responsiveness of Search Results on Connect Page.
- Checklist improvements.
- Reporting improvements.
- Fixed module permissions issues where some children modules' permissions were out of whack.
- Corrected an issue where some calendar events did not display as expected.
- made improvements to user group handling.
- Improved Default Profile image handling.
- Enhanced test handling.
- Minor tweaks to notification settings.
- Fixed a bug and made a minor enhancement to Bulk Admin Actions handling.
- Several module improvements.
- Improvements to ODATA handling.
- Fixed a minor issue with checklists.
- Enhanced SSO stability.
- Fixed an issue with text blocks.
- Fixed a bug in some reports preventing custom columns from being exported.
- General system improvements & optimizations.
Printable PDFs
A printable PDF of completed OnTrack checklists, including the submission details, scoring summary, action plan summary, and all of the detailed responses including uploaded images is now downloadable for each completed list. Learn More here.
OnTrack Advanced Actions
We now support OnTrack Actions:
- Required Corrective Actions
Required Corrective Actions, where utilized, must be entered by checklist users before they may submit the checklist. - Read-only Actions
Read-only Actions are informational, and visibility-restricted to those with access to the checklist instance, submitted checklist report, and the new downloadable PDF Report. - Disabled Corrective Actions
Read-only Action overrides allow the checklist user to decide whether or not the checklist action or corrective action is read-only or if it should go into the Actions workflow.