Dialog Boards Overview

by Amy Gaudielle

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Curate content in the form of a newsletter or blog, give your users a voice by posing questions, exchanging ideas, and polling the community. Dialog Boards:

  • Drive engagement and bring users into the system
  • Direct users to featured content 
  • Create boards by topic, region or user groups
  • Give users a platform to share ideas and voice opinions
  • Crowdsource the community to find the best answer to questions

Creating a Dialog

Whether creating NOW@, Idea Board, Q&A or FAQs, the set up is the same. Simply give your dialog a topic, add a brief description, upload a banner and thumbnail, define your audience (Yes! dialog boards can be available to a specific audience!), and configure the dialog settings. 



Posting to a Dialog Board 

Now that a board is active super admins or a dialog publisher can start posting. Once the post is created, there will be a few option: 


  • Allow Audience Comments, do you want user to be able to interact / respond with your post?
  • Post as Announcement , this will place the post at the top of the board until admins/ publishers "un-announce"
    • You cannot announce a post on an FAQ board 


  • Broadcast to Audience,  this will allow admins/publishers to send an email notification to everyone in the boards defined audience (if there is no audience defined this will go to everyone in the site)

Dialog Board Display Behavior

  • When navigating to the discuss page and selecting one of the dialog board icons below, the site will usually display a list of available dialog boards of that specific type so the user may select the board they wish to open.
  • However, if the user has no roles associated and there is only one active board available for the user to select, the web page will automatically launch into the only available board for the user.



When non-Admin/basic users post on a dialog board that allows audience posts, they do not see the email body text field when posting. This change helps alleviate any confusion for the basic user and provides peace of mind for Admins knowing that there is no way an email will be sent out.