Notifications Compendium

by C.W. Holeman III

See: Notifications Overview

Admin Notifications

The Admin Notifications section covers the different types of notifications that an LMS Admin can receive. The specific notification types and how they are triggered are outlined in the table below.



Comment Flagged

Sent to Module Advocate Admins when a comment is flagged as inappropriate. Note that Flagged comments on Dialog boards do not currently generate a notification.

Homework Submitted

When Admin Approval is set to Yes, notification is sent when Learner submits homework for evaluation. In order for Super Admins to receive these notifications they need to be added to a Role with the following permission activate: Role Abilities Content Manage Homework.

Media Approval Request

Sent to Admin with Manage Media ability when user contribution submitted 

Observation Requested

Sent to Checklist Observer when user makes a Ready to be Observed request. In order for Super Admins to receive these notifications they need to be added to a Role with the following permission activate: Role Abilities Content Manage Checklists.

Post Need Approval

Sent to Dialog publishers when user submits a post to a Dialog board that requires approval for audience posts 

Out of Test Attempts

Sent to Admin with Manage Test Attempts ability when a user runs out of test attempts. In order for Super Admins to receive these notifications they need to be added to a Role with the following permission activate: Role Abilities Content Manage Tests.

Scheduled Reports

Reports run & sent (via email) on a set schedule.


User Notifications

All Users Notifications refer to the set of notifications that are sent to all users of the LMS. The All Users Notifications category contains four sections that contain individual notifications within each. The four sections are: Modules, Content, Communications, Merits.


This section houses notifications that are related to Modules. What action triggers each notification is outlined below.



Content Completed

User is notified when they’ve completed a Module

Enrollment Changes

Sent to user when:

  • A new enrollment is activated
  • Enrollment content has been updated
  • A new user is included in the audience of an enrollment
  • For standard enrollments, the completion date (due date) has been changed

Enrollment Reminder: Learners have content due in 1 week or less

Sent to enrolled users with content due in ≤ 1 week

Enrollment Reminder: Learners have content due in 1 day

Sent to enrolled user with content due in ≤ 1 day

Overdue Enrollment Reminder: Content overdue by 1 day

Reminds users about overdue content.

Overdue Enrollment Reminder: Content overdue by 1 week

Reminds users about overdue content.


This section houses notifications that are related to LMS Content. What action triggers each notification is outlined below.



Events: Learners registration state changes for an event session

Sent to Learners when registration status changes for an event session

Events: Learners have an event session starting in 1 day

Reminder notification sent to Learners with an event session starting in 1 day

Event Session Updates*

Sent to event session attendees when updates made to event session

Pending Item Completed

Sent to Learner when homework is approved 

User Contribution Update

Sent to user when User Contribution is a approved or disapproved by Admin 

* If this notification is Disabled, Event Admins will not have an option to Notify Attendees of Changes if a change is made to an Event.


This section houses notifications that are related to Communication. What action triggers each notification is outlined below.



Recognition Message

Sent to user when a recognition message is posted

Like Notification

Notification when there is a Like on:

  • Dialog post (sent to publisher)
  • Comment (sent to commenter)
  • Recognition message (sent to author)

Comment Notification

When a comment is posted on a Recognition Message, email sent to author of the Recognition message. 

Community Broadcasts

  • Manual, On-Demand, to the selected audience
  • Though inactive accounts may show in the audience filter,  Inactive accounts DO NOT receive broadcast communications


This section houses notifications that are related to LMS Merits. What action triggers each notification is outlined below.



Badge Awarded

Sent to user when badge awarded based on trigger/spark, Merits Admin awarded or user nomination approved by Admin 

Certification Awarded

Sent to user when certification awarded based on trigger/spark or awarded by Merits Admin 

Certification Awarded Date Change

Applicable only to Certifications that have a Countdown number of days to Expiration set. 

When an Admin manually changes the Date Received for a User with the certification (either through User profile or in the Certification itself), the affected User will receive this notification.

Certification Reminder: Expires in 1 week.

Toggles can be enabled independently. Users with expiring certificates will receive a notification of their expiring certificates at 1-week prior to expiration.

Certification Reminder: Expires in 1 day.

Toggles can be enabled independently. Users with expiring certificates will receive a notification of their expiring certificates at the 1-day prior to expiration.

OnTrack Notifications

In addition to supporting Standard Notifications, which is to say via email and the "In-App Inbox" (which despite the name is through the LMS, not via the mobile app), OnTrack also supports real-time push notifications via the OnTrack Mobile App.

Notification Trigger

Checklist User Tag Notifications

A user is tagged in an OnTrack Checklist.
Action User Tag Notifications A user is tagged in an OnTrack Action. 

    LMS Mobile App Notifications

    Because the app is learning-focused, all push notifications are also learning focused. Push notifications in the mobile app align to notification settings in the admin tool. If the Setting is enabled, and the Trigger occurs, a push notification with the specified Title and Message will be sent to the affected learner as per the chart below:

    Setting Trigger Title Message
    Enrollment Change A new enrollment is activated New Enrollment You have been enrolled in new modules.
    Enrollment content is updated Enrollment Changes Check the application for changes to content or due dates.
    A new user is included in the audience of an existing enrollment New Enrollment You have been enrolled in new modules.
    Enrollment due date has been changed Enrollment Changes Check the application for changes in enrolled content due dates.
    Enrollment Reminder: Learners have content due in 1 week An enrolled user has content due in ≤ 1 week Your Enrollment Is Due Soon You have enrolled content with due dates within 1 week.
    Enrollment Reminder: Learners have content due in 1 day An enrolled user has content due in ≤ 1 day Your Enrollment Is Due Tomorrow You have enrolled content with due dates within 1 day.
    Overdue Enrollment Reminder: Content overdue by 1 day An enrolled user has content that is one day overdue Your Enrollment Was Due Yesterday You have enrolled content that is one day overdue.
    Overdue Enrollment Reminder: Content overdue by 1 week An enrolled user has content that is one week overdue Your Enrollment Is Overdue You have enrolled content that is overdue.
    Events: Learners registration state changes for an event session A learner is registered for an event session Event Notification: You Have Been Registered Good news! You have been registered for the following event session: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    A learner is waitlisted for an event session Event Notification: Added To Waiting List You have been unregistered for the following event session: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    A learner is unregistered for an event session Event Notification: You Have Been Unregistered You have been added to the waiting list for the following event session: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    A learner is un-waitlisted for an event session Event Notification: Removed From Waiting List You have been removed from the waiting list for the following event session: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    Events: Learners have an event session starting in 1 day A learner has an event session starting in 1 day Your Event Is Tomorrow An event session you're registered for is starting in one day: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    Event Session Updates An event session a learner is registered for has been updated, and the administrator has elected to "Notify Attendees of Changes" Event Notification: Session Updated The following event session has been updated: [Event Title] - [Event Session Title]
    Pending Item Completed A user's pending item has been completed Pending Item Completed Your pending [item type] has been marked complete.