Bulk Admin Actions Tool

by C.W. Holeman III

Be Careful! These actions can make major changes to your LMS that cannot be undone.

Site administrators do not have to go into users’ profiles to make a change or perform an action on each user individually, but now have the power to run actions on large numbers of records simultaneously. 

The Bulk Admin Actions Tool -AKA Bulk Actions-  currently have support for changing two types of records: User records, and Module records.

To use the Bulk Actions tool, navigate to the Admin ToolSystemBulk Admin Actions. There are two methods to select your subset of records to modify: you can either use the built-in Rules Engine to make your selection, or import a .csv file. You can download a template file from the Bulk Actions Tool page. We have an animated walk through of this process on The Drop.

The Bulk Admin Actions Tool is only available to Super Admins.

Note: If you chose to Export the Template please be sure not to add anything above or before "username" before the file is uploaded as this can cause it to not upload.

After kicking off a bulk module completion, the Admin’s screen will grey out and they will see a progress modal indicating that the system is working on completing the process. You can close the modal and will be taken back to the Bulk Completions page, where a flashing checkmark will indicate that the system is still working. You can also safely close the tab, and the system will continue to process the bulk actions.

Bulk User Actions

The currently available bulk User actions:

  • Managed By 
  • Activate Users
  • Inactivate Users
  • Delete Users
  • Edit Profiles
  • Award Points
  • Subtract Points
  • Reset Points

Bulk Module Actions

The currently available bulk Module actions:

  • Module Completions
  • Chronospecific Module Completions - update a collection of users with different Module Completion dates with one bulk action via a .csv upload.
  • Module permissions updates.


If Deleting or Updating Users throws an error, please ensure that any date field contains only a date, and does not include a timestamp.