@Work is a method to ensure that (generally non-salaried) users are only accessing training content (Modules & Wisetail Drive) while at a physical job location. The @Work feature does not restrict employee access to the social side of your LMS. What that means is users can still access the Connect, Share, and Dialog pages. As an admin, you determine exactly which modules are restricted by the @Work functionality. @Work can be implemented via IP Address whitelisting, via Geofencing, or both.
Exceptions to the Rule
To remove the impact of the @Work functionality for a given user, such as salaried employees whose hours you don't need to track, managers, people working at remote locations, etc, there is a quick and easy way to disable this functionality.
Setting a user's Exempt profile field to a value with a Title = Yes will result in the system ignoring the @Work restriction for that user.
@Work Via IP Address
- Navigate to Admin Tool --> System tab --> @Work pill.
- Enable Filter @Work Content:
- Next add the approved IP addresses for your locations.
- This can be done one at a time, or by importing a .csv file via the Upload IP Addresses dialog on the lower right-hand side of the page:
- If needed, you can download a template via the triangle to the right of the Import CSV button.
- Note: these should be external, public, and static IP Addresses.
- Subnets: If needed (it almost never is) then you can also specify what subnet to include as part of the address. If you don't know what this means, then you probably won't need it.
- This can be done one at a time, or by importing a .csv file via the Upload IP Addresses dialog on the lower right-hand side of the page:
- The @Work filter must currently be applied to each module individually. To add the @Work restriction to a module:
- Edit the module.
- In the right-hand column select the arrow next to @Work to see more. Here you can select No (the default), or Yes to apply the @Work restriction:
@Work Via Geofencing
Under the @Work Geolocation panel is where you can add locations via Google Maps and define a geofence of a certain radius around that location. When the panel first opens, the default view will be of the contiguous United States.
If an Admin wants the map to center on their location, they can click the icon and the user will
be asked to share their location with their browser. Once shared, the map will zoom into the user’s
Enabling the @Work Geolocation toggle will grant access to Admins to the new @Work
Geolocations panel. The @Work Geolocation panel can be found underneath the @Work IP address
Existing @Work IP Address workflows are unchanged and unaffected by this new feature. Both
options can be enabled simultaneously, if extra guardrails are desired.
Admins will also see all of the locations that have been added previously, any descriptions
associated with that location and the set radius. There are two ways that an Admin can add a location to the @Work Geolocation feature. The two methods are outlined below.
Adding New Location - Address Input
Admins can input an address into the Geo Location Bar. As an Admin starts typing in the address bar,
they will see a list of recommended matches begin to appear. Admins can either press enter once the
address is complete, or select from the list of matches.
After selecting an address, Admins can configure the size of the geofence by entering the desired
radius. A default value of 10 meters is added but that can be customized. Both meters and feet are
available units. Once a location and radius is selected, the Admin will click Add Location and a modal will pop up for the Admin.
Within the modal, the Admin can double check the location and radius as well as add a
description/location information like store number or other location characteristics.
Adding New Location - Click on Map
Admins can also add locations by clicking on the map itself. When an Admin clicks on the map, a
pin will be dropped with a default radius of 10 meters drawn around where they clicked. Admins can move the pin around by dragging and dropping it, as well as change the radius by making the red circle as large and as small as they like. The address bar, and radius indicator will reflect the location of the pin drop and the radius the Admin has drawn.
Once the Admin is satisfied with the location they selected from the map, they will click Add
Location and follow the same steps outlined above to add the new location.
There are several filters available on the right side of the @Work Geolocation panel. Admins can conduct a search and results will be found based on matches found in the address and/or
description. The Sort By options include:
- Newest to oldest (based on date added)
- Oldest to newest (based on date added)
- A-Z (Description/Location)
- Z-A (Description/Location
User Steps
Users will need to share their location in the browser in order for the LMS to determine whether they are located within the boundaries of a geofence. If Location Access is denied, geofenced modules will not be available.
Wisetail Drive @Work
The Wisetail Drive mobile app supports @Work functionality, even offline. While mobile devices must have an internet connection at the time of login in order to establish the @Work state and bypass filtering, once the team member has logged in and @Work state has been established, they are free to move around the work space, even in and out of areas where an internet connection may be limited or unavailable, and they will be able to continue accessing restricted content.