Reports Compendium

by C.W. Holeman III

User Reports

User Contributions Media Report

Displays all user contributions submitted through the system. It shows the user that submitted the contribution, the type of media submitted, the title of the submission, and the date it was contributed. The title of the submission also hyperlinks to the submission itself on the front end of the system.

User Login Report

Displays total number of logins—broken out based on individual user—over a specified timeframe.

User Media Comments Report

Allows you to see any comments made on a user contribution within the system. It displays the title of the contribution the comment was made on, the comment itself, as well as the date the comment was left. The title of the submission will also hyperlink to the submission itself on the front end of the system.

User Points Log Report

Displays how an individual user has obtained points within the system. The report displays the actions taken, the number of points earned by each action, and the date of the action.

User Report

This report shows all users in the system, their usernames, total number of points, how they’re managed, whether they’re active or archived, their total number of logins, the date their profile was first created, and the date of their last profile update.

User Transcript Report

Based on an individual user, this report will show you all content a user is Enrolled in, Viewed, and Completed. The report will also display the date when the view or completion happened.


Module Reports

Modules Report

This report displays every piece of content within the system—active or inactive. It also shows you how many views that piece of content has received, number of likes, who the piece of content was created by, when the content was created, when the content was last updated, and when the content was activated on the front end.


Supports Fullscreen Viewing, and the unique ability to remove default columns.

Module Activity Report

Provides a high level overview of activity within a module. Activity includes total number of views, total number of completions, total number of comments, and total number of likes over a specified timeframe.

Module Comments Report

This report shows any comment left on a module within the system. The report also provides the title of the module in which the comment was left, the comment itself, as well as the date the comment was left.

Module Completion Report

Allows you to see total module completions broken out by individual users OR module completions associated with a specific piece of content. Either way, this report shows you the title of the content completed as well as the date it was completed.

Multi-Module Completions Report


Allows admins to view completion results for multiple modules in one report. This report will provide at-a-glance results for modules included in a course type structure, it will allow admins to report on multiple modules or courses at a high level. But also providing the ability to drill down to individual users - all within the same report. 

Module Exception Report

Will show whether an individual user has viewed and/or completed a specified piece of content. Also shows you the total number of users with access to the content in question.

Modules Report

This report displays every piece of content within the system—active or inactive. It also shows you how many views that piece of content has received, number of likes, who the piece of content was created by, when the content was created, when the content was last updated, and when the content was activated on the front end.


Supports Fullscreen Viewing.

Module Views Report

Shows total number of views broken out by individual over a specified timeframe. For each of those views, you’ll receive the date and time in which the user accessed the module.


Enrollment Reports

Enrollment Change Log

This report shows any changes made to an enrollment set. Those changes include being enrolled or unenrolled in a specific piece of content. This will show the module in which the change was made, the name of the enrollment set where the module lives, as well as the date the change was made.

Enrollment Set Report

This report shows data regarding a specific enrollment set. Data includes the number of users enrolled in the set who have completed the content, as well as the number of enrolled users who are overdue on content. This report includes ALL users who are or were enrolled at any point during the enrollment for the dates specified, even if the users are no longer enrolled. This is why, though allowed, it is not recommended to change enrollment audience permissions once an enrollment is active.

Enrollment Status Report

Shows the total number of modules/courses in which a user is enrolled, as well as how many of them the user has completed. From there, you can see the titles of those modules/courses, the date in which they were enrolled, the deadline for enrolled content, the date when the content was viewed, and whether the user has completed it.

Enrollment Summary Report

For specific user status and user module completion as related to an Enrollment.


OnTrack Reports

OnTrack Submitted Checklist Report For reporting on OnTrack submissions.
OnTrack Multi-unit Checklist Summary Report Provides info on OnTrack completions.
OnTrack Summary Report Provides info on OnTrack completions.
OnTrack Submissions by Unit Report Location-by-location breakdowns for OnTrack checklists.
OnTrack Completion Report

A simplified bird’s eye view of OnTrack completion data with drill downs.

OnTrack Team Member Report

A detailed breakdown of submission totals by team member.


Additional Reports

Audit Log (Report)

Allows you to see any and all changes made to a module, profile field, piece of media, event, or test—as well as who made the change and when the change was made.


Badge Award Report

Allows you to see who has received a specific badge within the system, how it was awarded, and when.


Badge Nomination Report

Allows you to see who’s been nominated for a specific badge within the system, who they were nominated by, and when.

Certification Award Report

Shows you which employees have received a specific certification, how it was awarded, the date it was awarded, and when the certification expires.

Observation Checklist Results Report

Shows you results specific to an in-person observation. Within the report you’ll see who the observee was, who observed them, the outcome (pass/fail/not attempted), the number of attempts, and the details specific to the observation (notes, etc).

Cumulative Activity Report

Shows every single piece of content within the system, as well as an overall number of views and completions.

Dialog Activity Report

Shows you how many dialog posts have been made by users over a certain length of time. You’re then able to see the title of their post, which discussion board it was posted to, and when.

Dialog Comments Report

Shows you any comments made by users on another user’s dialog post. Also shows you the post on which the comment was left, and when.

E-Learning Report

Shows information pertaining to a specific e-learning file. Information includes the user’s best score, the number of attempts, the date of the last attempt, whether they’ve completed the file, the date completed, as well as the total time spent within the file.

Email Log Report

The Report displays emails such as Welcome Emails, Community Broadcast and Module Comments that have been sent by the system including failed emails. The Report will show the email subject, body text, number of users sent to, the date it was sent, who sent it, and the number of failures (i.e. email addresses that did not receive).

Note that this report is only available to Super Admins.

Event Summary Report

In order to provide further value and the ability to gain overall insight into Events and their respective Event Sessions, two reports have been created for the admin user to leverage

Event Details Report

In order to provide further value and the ability to gain overall insight into Events and their respective Event Sessions, two reports have been created for the admin user to leverage

Likes Report

Shows user ‘likes’ on all modules, user contributions, and comments throughout the system. Will also display the title of item liked by the user, as well as when the like was made. Can also pull likes specific to an individual module.

Media Access Report

This report allows you to see what media an individual user has accessed. You can filter by ‘views,’ ‘views and completions,’ and ‘not viewed.’ This pertains to the following media types within the system: documents, videos, images, checklists, tests, homework, and flashcards.

Observation Report

This report allows you to see an individual’s performance within a specific observation. Performance metrics include an overall pass/fail, the number of attempts used, and any notes associated with the observation.

Profile Field and Value Report

Allows you to pull information specific to any profile field available within the system. Information will include each of the values included within the field, as well as how many users are associated with that value.

Profile History Report

Shows any changes made to a user’s profile over a specific timeframe. Will display the profile field that changes, the old value prior to the change, the new value after the change, who made the change, and when the change was made.

Recognition Message Report

This report shows all recognition messages sent during the specified time frame. The report also shows the name of the user that sent the message, the number of messages they’ve sent, who those messages were sent to, the message itself, as well as the date it was sent.

System Activity Report

Shows system wide data over a specific timeframe. Data includes, but not limited to: cumulative logins, number of active users, number of profile photo changes, number of recognition messages sent. This report also displays data specific to published modules, user contributions submitted, and dialog board vitals.

Test Report

Allows you to pull information specific to a test within the system. Information also include users that have attempted the test, the number of attempts used, the number of attempts allowed, the average score across those attempts, their best score, and the date of their last attempt.

Impersonation Report

The Impersonation Report allows tracking the usage of the feature by users, providing a breakdown of who is using the impersonation feature and when they did so.