See also: Reports Compendium
We offer a ton of reports. As such, we don’t expect you to remember precisely what each one does. Select the gray arrow to the left of a report name to see a short description of each one.
Report Features
Filters! Depending on the type of report you select, you’ll have details to report on, as well as the ability to filter information for more precise data. Filtering a report is the same as setting up a rule for a module or course audience (it’s based on the profile fields available in your LMS.) The filter feature helps an admin drill down to the desired reporting audience.
*Filter not available on all reports
Profile Tiles
Shows further user details to help know for certain which user in your audience a report is referencing.
Hovering over the user’s name will display a tile with additional information about that user. By default, the user profile tile will display a user’s first and last name, username and their assigned roles.
Customizing Reports
To save a system report, select the blue ‘Save Report’ button on the top right of the report. Give it a title, then save. The report you just saved will then be listed under the ‘Saved Reports’ pill within your individual profile. You also have the option to select “Save as Custom Report.” If you select this option, a custom report will be created within the reports pill with the new title and a blue “Custom Report” label next to it.
See: Reports, System Reports, Saved Reports, & Custom Reports
Additional Areas to Access Reports
You can find all of the reports listed below by navigating to a user profile, selecting a module, on a badge, in content pieces, or within an enrollment rule. You get it, they are everywhere. The list of reports is always located in the sidebar.
Individual User Profile Reports
Module and Course Level Reports
Enrollment Reports
Reporting is an important and powerful tool! It provides a window into the health of your site and allows admins to gather critical metrics and data points. Please reach out to your CX rep for more best practices and reporting tips based on your specific needs!