Scheduled Enrollment Notification

by C.W. Holeman III

See the Schedule Enrollment Overview.

These apply to both Standard and Recurring Enrollments unless stated otherwise:

  • Enrollment Change Notifications
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when an enrollment is activated and they are an audience member of the enrollment.
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when they are added as an audience member to an already active enrollment.
    • For standard enrollments only, an email notification is sent to a learner user when the Due Date for a module has been changed.
  • Enrollment Reminder Notifications
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when an enrollment is one week away from its due date.
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when an enrollment is one day away from its due date.
      • Note: The one week and one day prior notifications are not sent if the enrollment was created where the time remaining to complete was already less than one week or one day, respectively.
  • Overdue Enrollment Reminder Notifications
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when an enrollment is overdue by one day.
    • An email notification is sent to a learner user when an enrollment is overdue by one week.