Scheduled Enrollment Reporting Enhancements (2021)

by C.W. Holeman III

See the Schedule Enrollment Overview.

With the introduction of the new recurring enrollments, the Wisetail reports have also been adjusted in order to now handle the new recurring nature of enrollments. Below is a table listing the changes made to the affected reports.


Badge Award Report

  • The date range filters will verify based on the “Badge Award Date”.

Certification Award Report

  • Selecting a date range will show the badges awarded attained for past and current enrollment occurrences during the selected time period.
  • There should be multiple row entries now available for the same badge award for when the learner user re-completes the enrollment content.
  • These multiple entries for the same badge award will represent the awarding of badges for different recurring child enrollments to the parent enrollment.
  • The date filtering options will run on the “Date Received” column.
  • Selecting a date range will show the certifications awarded attained for the past and current enrollment occurrences during the selected time period.
  • Under each top row entry, there should be multiple nested entries now available for the same certification award if there is a recurring enrollment.
  • These multiple nested row entries for the same certification award will represent the awarding of certifications for different re-completes to the enrollment content.
  • "Certification", "How", "Date Received" and "Expiration Date" columns will indicate the awarding of certificates for each different re-completion for the enrollment content.
  • Certification Award Report can have multiple active certifications for the same enrollment/module/user combination at the same time since a user can have overlapping certifications due to the rolling enrollment occurrence.

Cumulative Activity Report

For when the filter is set to "All Users with Access":


  • The calculation of the "# Viewed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user view per open/active enrolment occurrence] + [Number of unique un-enrolled user view]


  • The calculation of the "# Completed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user completions per open/active enrolment occurrence] + [Number of unique un-enrolled user completions]


For when the filter is set to "Enrolled Users Only":


  • The calculation of the "# Viewed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user view per open/active enrolment occurrence]


  • The calculation of the "# Completed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user completions per open/active enrolment occurrence]

Enrollment Change Log Report

(For the cases of recurring enrollments)


  • "User Has Access To Enrollment And Module" whenever a user will now be included in the enrollment audience for a recurring enrollment.
  • The calculation of the "# Viewed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user view per active enrollment]
  • The calculation of the "# Completed" column will now be: [Number of unique enrolled user completions per active enrollment]
  • "User No Longer Has Access To Module" whenever a user will no longer be permissioned to see a module.
  • "User No Longer Has Access To Enrollment" whenever a user will no longer be part of the enrollment audience for a recurring enrollment.

Enrollment Set Report

(For the Enrollment Status filter)


  • "All" will display the users in the following statuses: "Enrolled - Not Yet Started", "Enrolled - In Progress", "Enrolled - Complete", "Enrolled - Overdue"
  • "Complete" will display the users in "Enrolled - Complete" status
  • "Incomplete" will display the users in "Enrolled - Not Yet Started" OR "Enrolled - In Progress" status
  • "Overdue" will display the users in "Enrolled - Overdue" status

The admin user will have the ability to choose date filtering options:

  • The date filtering options will run on the “Date Due” column.
  • Selecting a date range will show the “# of Modules Completed” attained for past and current recurring enrollment occurrences during the selected time period (Closed or Open). Nested modules will not be considered for the total number displayed in “# of Module Completed”.
  • Any learner users that were part of the enrollment but them removed will appear as long as the date range filter covers the time period where that learner

Enrollment Status Report

Under each top row entry, there should be multiple nested row entries now available for the same “Module Title” if there is a recurring enrollment. These multiple entries for the same “Module Title” will represent the completion status for different recurring child enrollments. “Completion Status” column should display one of the following statuses:

  • Not Yet Started - Any module or course that has all of its required content in “Required” state AND the module has not yet been viewed by the learner.
  • In Progress - Any module or course that has been viewed by the learner regardless of which state the content maybe be in.
  • Completed - Any module or course that has all of its required content in “Completed” state.

“Overdue” column will either display:

  • “Yes” for statuses “Not Yet Started” or “In Progress” AND the due date has passed.
  • “Yes” for status “Completed”, the due date has passed and the learner user completed the module outside of the due date time frame.
  • “No” for status “Completed” AND the “Due Date” has passed AND there is a “Date Completed” entry before the “Due Date”.
  • “Date Due” column will indicate the date/time when the module is expected to be completed by the learner user for the specific enrollment.
  • The date filtering options will run on the “Date Due” column.

Media Access

  • Selecting a date range will show the “# of Modules Viewed” or “# of Modules Completed” attained for past and current enrollment occurrences during the selected time period.
  • Under each top row entry, there should be multiple nested entries now available for the same “Module Title” if there is a recurring enrollment.
  • These multiple entries for the same “Module Title” will represent the completion status for different recurring enrollments.
  • "Enrollment" will always display the name of the parent enrollment.
  • "Enrollment Date" will always display the date of when the user becomes part of the enrollment audience.
  • "Date Due" column will outline the completion date for the modules per each recurring enrollment occurrence for a user.
  • "Viewed" column will outline whether user has seen the module contained within the recurring enrollment. True will indicate that the user has seen the module. False will indicate the user has not seen the module.
  • "Date Viewed" column will indicate the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ of when the user has seen the module contained within the recurring enrollment.
  • "Completed" column will outline whether user has finished reviewing all the content contained within the module contained within the recurring enrollment. True will indicate that the user has completed the module. False will indicate the user has not completed the module.
  • "Date Completed" column will indicate the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TMZ of when the user has finished seeing the module contained within the recurring enrollment.
  • "Overdue" column will outline whether user has failed to review all the content contained within the module contained within the recurring enrollment. True will indicate that the user has not completed the module in time. False will indicate the user has completed the module in time.
  • If the Media Access was Viewed or Completed as part of a recurring enrollment:
    • The “First Viewed Date” column will indicate the first date/time where the media was seen by the user for an open recurring enrollment occurrence.
    • The “First Completion Date” columns will indicate the first date/time where the media item was marked completed for an open recurring child enrollment occurrence.
  • For standard enrollments, the system will continue to function as it currently does for its display of the date values.

  • For non-recurring enrollments and un-enrolled learner users, the system will continue to function as it currently does for its display of the date values.


Module Activity Report


[2021-11-01]: After the 01-Nov-21 release, the new calculation will be as follows:

- The tile displaying "Views" will now be the sum of all the views by all of the users for a module during that date range. Simply put, the number displayed in the "Views" tile should be equal to the sum of all of the "# of Module Views" columns in the Module Views Report.

Module Completion Report

In the case of recurring enrollments;

  • The "# of Module Completions" count will take into consideration past and current recurring enrollment occurrences.
  • The "Total Time Credits" count will sum the Time Credits for all recurring enrollments occurrences completed thus far. Time Credits will change for past enrollments in total if the Global Time Credit value has been changed by the admin.
  • In the nested rows for each learner user, the "Module Title" and "Date" will also represent the value associated to the past and current recurring enrollment occurrences.

Module Exception Report

  • In the case of recurring enrollments, the "Viewed" and "Completed" columns will only be reflective of modules in open/active recurring enrollment occurrences. This will apply to all enrolled users and modules that are part of an enrollment.


  • For all un-enrolled users and/or modules that are not part of an enrollment, the calculation for "Viewed" and "Completed" will remain the same.

Module Views Report


  • [2021-11-01]: After the 01-Nov-21 release, the new calculation will be as follows:

    - Regardless of whether a view was done as part of a module that was contained in an enrollment or not, ALL the views done by the specific user for the specific module will be displayed for the date range selected.
- In the case of recurring enrolments, if a user viewed a module as part of one of the recurring enrolments, this should indicate as a +1 for the "# Module of Views" column.

- This will apply to all enrolled users and modules that are part of an enrolment.
- If the module was viewed outside of an enrolment, then the calculation for “# of Module Views” will remain as it currently is.

- If the module was viewed outside of an enrolment, then the calculation for “# of Module Views” will only display "1" and showcase the first occurrence of that module view for the specific user.

Modules Report

In the case of recurring enrollments, "Views" column will display cumulative views by all enrolled users for the module. This will be added on to the number of views by all un-enrolled users and/or modules that are not part of an enrollment.

Multi-Module Completion Report

In the case of recurring enrollments, the following will be updated:

  • The nested rows in the “Module View” will now show multiple row entries for the same user IF that user is part of a recurring enrollment.
  • Each row will show the respective column data for the specific recurring enrollment occurrence.
  • “Users with Access” column will show a unique count of users that have access to the module.
  • “Users Completed” column will show a unique count of users that have completed the module.
  • The nested "Viewed" column will display whether the specific user for the specific child enrollment has seen the module yet or not.
  • The nested “Completion Status” column will display either “Not Yet Started”, “In Progress”, “Completed”, “Overdue” for the specific child enrollment. The data in this column will depend on the date range selected by the admin user. Should the admin user choose a date outside the completion date for the Learner user, then it will not show a completed state for the learner user even if they have completed the module.
  • The nested “Enrolled” column will display either a “Yes” or “No” but this will be reflective of whether the user was enrolled in the specific recurring enrollment at the time of their completion status. Should the user be removed from an enrollment audience, then the user will show “No” under this column for the specific nested row entry BUT not for any of the previous nested recurring enrollment entries.
  • The “Date Completed” column will only be populated when there is a “Completion Status” of “Completed” and will take the date of the “Completion Status” for the specific recurring enrollment for each nested row entry.
  • The “Total Unique Users” chart will include a count of the unique users that have viewing rites to the module.
  • The “Total Views” chart will include a count of the total views of the module which include duplicate views due to past recurring enrollments.
  • The “Total Completions” chart will include a count of the total completions of the module which include duplicate completions due to past recurring enrollments.
  • For all un-enrolled users and/or modules that are not part of an enrollment, the calculations will remain the same as they have been.
  • The exported csv file will no longer display the column "items_completed".

Observation Checklist Report

The admin user will have the ability to choose date filtering options:

  • The date filtering options will run on the “Outcome Date” column that will be added to the nested row entries.
  • For recurring enrollments, selecting a date range will show the observation checklists for past and current recurring enrollment occurrences during the selected time period.

The columns of the report will be changed to match the following; Top level row (will display data based on attempt that were made in an recurring enrollment occurrence):


  • Overall Outcome - Pass/Fail. if there is one Pass attempt amongst all the Fails in the enrollment specific time frame, then the Overall Outcome is a Pass, else it is always a Fail.
  • Attempts - Total number of attempts by a user in the enrollment occurrence. Nested row (will display individual attempt data based on a recurring enrollment occurrence):
  • Details - a URL link taking the user to the Observational Checklist Results Report with the specific observational checklist attempt selected.


  • Full name of the user that performed the observation for the learner user.
  • Attempt - a numerical value starting at “1” indicating the numerical ordering of the attempts in an enrollment occurrence. These nested rows will be ordered by this row Ascending:
    • Attempt Outcome - Pass/Fail for the specific attempt.
    • Outcome Date - Date/time displayed to show when the observer and observee completed the observation of pass/fail for the specific attempt. Displayed in YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss TMZ.

Observation Checklist Results Report

Select Observation will show all individual attempts for observation checklists ever made (including previous enrollments). The Select Observation modal will remain as is, except that the “Date” column will be replaced by “Outcome Date” and will display in YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss TMZ. In the Observation section of the report, the “Date” column will be replaced by “Outcome Date” and will display in YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss TMZ. Once the admin has chosen a specific attempt for an observational checklist, they will see:

  • Overall Outcome tile - Pass/Fail. If there is one Pass attempt amongst all the Fails in the enrollment specific time frame, then the Overall Outcome is a Pass, else it is always a Fail.
  • Attempt Number tile - a numerical value starting at “1” indicating the number of the attempts in an enrollment occurrence.
  • Total Number of Attempts tile - Total number of attempts by a user in the enrollment occurrence.

The CSV export will only show the following columns:

  • Checklist
  • Observee
  • Observer
  • Title
  • Result
  • Notes
  • Observer’s Language

eLearning Report

The date filtering will occur on the “Attempt Date” which is simply replacing the current “Date” column. Once the admin chooses an eLearning package from the Select eLearning button, they will see:

  • For SCORM/AICC files that are part of a recurring enrollment, the user will see the SCORM/AICC "Attempts" and "Date of Last Attempt" columns for past and current recurring enrollment occurrences for that user OR
  • For SCORM/AICC files that are part of a standard enrollment, the user will see only the SCORM/AICC "Attempts" and "Date of Last Attempt" for the open enrollment OR
  • For non-enrollment related modules, the user will see only SCORM/AICC "Attempts" and "Date of Last Attempt" columns that were completed outside of an enrollment. The attempts for individual recurring enrollments should be grouped together and displayed in ascending order of “Attempt Date” followed by “Attempt #”.

Test Report

  • Depending on the date filter selection made by the admin user, the admin user will see the data for tests for previous and current recurring enrollments.
  • Each recurring enrollment entry will be a new top row entry for the learner user and test combination.
  • The “Attempts” column on the top row will reflect the number of attempts allowed to the user at the point in time that the test was being executed.
  • Each top row entry for the child enrollment will then include the grouping of the test attempts made by that user as nested rows. Sorted by Attempt # Ascending.
  • The CSV Export will contain the users “First Name” and “Last Name” appended together after the “Date:” row in a cell displaying: “User: [First Name][Last Name]”

User Points Log Report

Depending on the date filter selected by the admin user, the data displayed in the Points Log Report will include past and current enrollment occurrences points association.

Users Report

The Points column will now count the total number of points for a user which include past and current recurring enrollment occurrences.

User Transcript Report

  • In the case of recurring enrollments, the “Completed” and "Viewed" columns will only be reflective of modules in current open recurring enrollment statuses. This will apply to all enrolled users that have/have not completed or viewed the modules as a part of an enrollment.
  • For all un-enrolled users and/or modules that are not part of an enrollment, the calculation for “Completed” and "Viewed" will continue to remain the same as it has been.