New Features
Active Enrollments on User Profiles
There is a new section on a user's profile called 'Active Enrollments that outlines all of the enrollments the user is currently enrolled in.
Enhancements to the Enrollment-Related Reports
A username column has been added to both the Enrollment Summary Report and Enrollment Status Report. The manage columns option has also been added to the Enrollment Summary Report.
OnTrack Sparks | At Answer Trigger Checklist
At Answer Sparks allow you to immediately prompt specialized follow-up action when a team member provides a specific response to a predefined question or task.
CMS | Rules (Carousels, Folders, Media Items)
The rules engine can now be used to permission carousels, folders, and media items in the drive.
LMS Updates
Text Blocks in Global Search
Our global search feature will now search within module text blocks and display module results that contain text blocks that have the matching text.
Matching terms found in text blocks will be given a relevancy score and ranked alongside scores for matching terms found in the Title and Description fields of modules.
User-To-User Profile Fields in Rules Engine
User-to-User profile fields can now be used to define rules everywhere the rules engine is used (except Access Codes).
Dialog Board Improvements
When a dialog board’s Allow publishers to send broadcast emails setting is set to No, the Email Body Text will no longer be available for any user except Super Admins.
Wisetail Mobile App Updates
Complete Observation Checklists
Checklist observers can now access and complete Observation Checklists right from the mobile app.
App Login Improvements
We’ve made some exciting improvements to the app login process.
After a user has input the app URL and proceeds to the Login page, the background and logo of the Login page will reflect the brand color and logo of the client’s LMS.
We also made several dozen additional minor bug fixes and updates to improve the general performance and functionality of the assorted Wisetail products.