The All New Resource Center
Starting with this release we will have a new Resource Center built directly into your Wisetail site. It will be available in the bottom right corner of the Admin Tool, and only visible to Super Users. It provides some helpful links to this Knowledge Base, upcoming demonars, and more.
Subtitles (Closed Caption) Support for Videos
We’re making the LMS more accessible. With our new subtitle support, Admins can upload subtitle files (.vtt files only) to video media and Learners will have the option to turn them on when viewing a video. Additional information.
Module Completion Report
Username is now a default column in the Module Completion Report. Found to the right of Last Name, a user’s username is available in the report UI as well as the CSV export. In the CSV export, Username data is appended to the last column to minimize impacts to existing report integrations.
Wisetail Drive/CMS Update
Our @Work functionality is expanding from Modules, to now include our CMS, Wisetail Drive.
LMS App Update
You can now Create Users via the LMS App. You can also send a Welcome Email immediately thereafter. Note that at this time, Welcome Emails cannot be sent later via the app, though you can use the web-based tool to do so.
Popular Search Term Widgets
A new Admin Dashboard Widget: Additional information.
Logo Management
Manage your site's Logo, and updated whenever you'd like: Additional information.
Admin Dashboard Widget: Module Completion Widget
We've updated the Module Completion Widget on the Admin Dashboard. You can now select specific modules to view in the widget. We have also added the average time to complete to the widget. Additional Information.
OnTrack Multi-Language Update
OnTrack now supports our Multi-Language Tool! See Details and Supported Languages.
And More
- Modules
- Multi-Language Tool
- Notifications
- Observation Checklists
- OnTrack
- Reports
- Time Zones
- Tool-tips
- Sparks
- Quick Enrollments
- As well as a slew of back-end improvements.