Module Settings

by C.W. Holeman III

This article covers each portion of the Settings Column for Modules.

Module Permissions

By default all users can access all modules. To restrict who can access a module, you will create Module Permissions. Permissions only grant or restrict access. To make a module required, you will need to create an Enrollment via the enrollments tab. The above linked article goes into permissions in depth.



There is a lot to see here, so it has been broken out into its own section below.




This is a convenient set of links to assorted reports related to the given module. They are they same as the reports you access under the Reports Tab.



Schedule Activation


Admins can set in advance the activation date when creating or editing a module, and if desired, can also set a future inactivation date. See the Deep Dive for more info.


Used In


The Used In block lists all modules which contain the current module for convenient access.


At Work


The @Work function is explained in detail in this article.




You can group modules by tag. See this article for more information on how Tags can be used.




A module advocate signifies a subject matter expert on a given piece of content. Module advocates will also have the following abilities:

  • Notifications for comments on module
  • Notifications for completion of a module
  • Ability to delete comments from a module.

Advocates are defined via the Rules Engine. This block displays the current Advocates.




                     The Likes Block


The module getting a Like

The Likes Block is simply a count of people who have Liked the module.


Custom Settings

Custom module settings live in the right-hand column. Once you click ‘Edit Settings,’ you’ll see a few  options.



Mark New — (Y/N)

Mark the module as new and users in the Learner Tool will see a colored banner telling them there’s something fresh to explore in search results, as well as on Pages etc. (though not once the module itself it open). If you mark content as New you’ll need to select a date for that banner to expire.

Note: Once a user has completed this module, the Done banner will replace the New banner for that user.

Module Type (Standard/Reference)

Standard modules have what we call a completion event, which requires learners to click a ‘Mark Done’ button in the module. When a module is completed, it gets greyed out in the learner’s library and that action is logged (with a timestamp) under Reporting. This kind of module is good for compliance or position-based onboarding.

A reference module, on the other hand, is just what it sounds like—a module that exists for learner reference. You can track whether a learner has viewed this type of module, but it can’t be marked complete. You cannot add tests or gates to a reference module. Oh, and also, media cannot be set to ‘required.’ Long story short? This selection is good for modules that you will update over time, things like newsletters or policies.

Point Value

Points are rewards for learning. You can use these many ways: tie them to incentives, generate learner interactions, start friendly competitions… the usual. Just input the number of points a learner receives for completing the module. (Note: ‘reference’ modules do not have the option to add points.)


Save as Settings Presets

See Module Presets.


Show Wall of Fame — (Y/N)

Want to highlight the first person to complete the module? Turn on the Wall of Fame. (Note: if you select ‘reference,’ then you do not have the Wall of Fame option.)

Allow Comments — (Y/N)

You’ve seen that Wisetail is about more than learning… it’s also about good communication and building community. Comments help with that. If you want learners to offer feedback or share kudos on the module, just mark “yes.”

Viewable in Library — (Y/N)

The library houses all learner content. If you want your module to show up there, make sure this selection is on. (Note: Even if you set a module as not viewable in a library, it will still display in search results.)

Save your work (if you’re into that kinda thing)

Once you’ve made the selections in Module Settings, you can use that combination again, as a Saved Preset for future use. Give the preset a title and—hey presto—you can access it again and again.